I find myself very happy to create & shared libraries. They're helping me, so maybe you find them the same way. If that so, I'd really appreciate your feedback and little $$$ (via Github sponsoring). I am currently handling about 300+ libraries across various organizations.
🐘 PHP Runtime for ▲ Vercel Serverless Functions (support 7.4-8.3) | |
📦 Example projects using Vercel platform. Using Node.js, PHP and others. | |
😏 Fixed NuSOAP for PHP 5.6 - 8.2 | |
💪 DataGrid for Nette Framework: filtering, sorting, pagination, tree view, table view, translator, etc | |
💽 Oracle InstantClient | |
🍊 Awesome juicy lambdas for generating PDF, taking screenshots, transform XML to JSON, generate images from github readme, generate SVG icons, generate screenshots from Twitter/Facebok. Running on @vercel platform. | |
📝 PDF invoice generator | |
🎁 Web application project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), Doctrine (@nettrine) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
💥 Best minimal console (symfony/console) to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🐳 Tiniest boxed dockerized Adminer (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Mongo, Oracle) Dockerfiles | |
👅 Translations (symfony/translation) to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
💰 Integrace Gopay pro Nette Framework | |
🐳 Dockette Debian based PHP 5.6-8.3 + FPM + Composer. | |
🔧 An opinionated and enjoyable API framework based on Nette Framework. Supporting content negotiation, debugging, middlewares, attributes, annotations and loving openapi/swagger. | |
⛔ Nice client-side live form validation for Nette Forms. | |
➿ Addons, plugins, components and extensions (@componette ❤️ @nette) | |
🔥 Well-integrated Doctrine ORM for Nette Framework | |
📦 Webpack adapter for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/di (@nette) | |
🐳 Dockette dockerized web devstack (@f3l1x) | |
🎁 Webpack 5 project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
🐳 Dockette full modern web container (Nginx / PHP+FPM / Supervisor / Cron) all-in-one. | |
🎁 API / REST API / JSON API / PSR-7 / Middlewares project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), Apitte (@apitte), Doctrine (@nettrine) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
‼️ Google reCAPTCHA (security) for Nette Framework \ Forms | |
🏃♂️ Doctrine Migrations for Nette Framework | |
📮 PDF toolbox for Nette Framework using mPDF | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/application (@nette) | |
🐳 Dockette out-of-box Packagist (Nginx / Solr 6 / PHP 7.1+FPM) | |
💳 GoPay Inline Payment for Nette Framework | |
🎶 Cookbook for Nette Framework (@nette) & Contributte (@contributte). Read it while its HOT! | |
💡 Well-integrated Doctrine DBAL for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🌀 Guzzle integration into Nette Framework (@nette) | |
⌛ PHP job scheduler (cron) with locking for Nette Framework | |
🍔 Menu and breadcrumb components for Nette framework (@nette) | |
🌠 Image storage for Nette framework | |
💥 Best events support (symfony/event-dispatcher) to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
♻️ Nette-based console commands for latte, DIC, MVC, security, utils and many others. | |
▶️ Integration of Nette Framework to Codeception. | |
🆙 File uploads on steroids for Nette Framework (@nette). Implements blueimp/jquery-file-upload. | |
▲ Strapi plugin for Vercel Platform | |
▲ Vercel bref runtime • brefphp • vercel-bref | |
🔁 Form multiplier & replicator for Nette Framework | |
👸 API documentation generator (JSON-RPC / REST) | |
🐳 Google Rendertron Isolated in Docker container. Nginx proxy. Tracer application for Server-Side-Prerending. | |
📚 Examples, projects, webprojects, skeletons for Nette Framework (@nette) from community members. Included @contributte @apitte @nettrine projects. | |
🐰 RabbitMQ (AMQP, STOMP, MQTT) using BunnyPHP for Nette Framework (@nette). | |
📝 Best logging support into Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🐺 Rich Nextras\ORM entity generator for fast prototyping your new project. | |
💫 PSR #7 [HTTP Message Interface] to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
💎 NewRelic PHP agent integration for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
👨 RESTful router for your API in Nette Framework (@nette). Created either directly or via annotation. | |
💥 Universal logging support to Tracy / Nette Framework (@nette) | |
💥 Middlewares / Relay / PSR-7 support to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
📝 Standalone Doctrine Annotations for Nette Framework | |
👾 Bootstrap 4 + 5 forms for Nette framework | |
🔧 Doctrine Fixtures for Nette Framework | |
💶 Comgate Payment Gateway implementation for Nette Framework | |
💾 Redis (predis) for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🐳 Dockette dockerized Alpine linux Dockerfiles for PHP 5.6-8.4 + Composer. NodeJS 6-22. Ansible. | |
🐳 Dockerfiles for Nette Framework. Nette in Docker. (@nette) | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] 👨👩👦 OpenAPI specification for Apitte stack | |
📬 Sending emails with pleasure and prepared templates. | |
🎩 Easy to use step-by-step form for Nette Framework | |
🔃 Doctrine Cache adapter for Nette Framework | |
🐘 PHP library compiled for many platform and cloud providers, especially for AWS and @vercel. | |
🐳 Docker Workshop 💼 for Symfony Meeting 📅 22/09/2016 | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/utils (@nette) | |
🔒 OAuth2 client for Nette Framework | |
🏋️♂️ Vercel Runtimes by @f3l1x | |
🎁 Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager 3 with preinstalled community plugins | |
🐳 Dockette Node.js + Vercel | |
🐽 Tuned & very strict coding standards for PHP projects | |
🔍 Doctrine Atlantic18/DoctrineExtensions extension for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🔧 Collection of useful scripts for manipulaton with NEON files. Support composer pre-install / post-install events. Set/get parameters, validate files. | |
🏇 FTP deployment (by @dg) extension for Nette Framework (@nette). | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/latte (@nette) | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/bootstrap (@nette) | |
😎 Tuned Tracy Bars/Panels/BlueScreens for easy-developing | |
😋 Tiny Facebook SDK 5.x integration to Nette Framework | |
🆖 Powerful, documented, validated, built-in API to Nette Framework. (@nette) | |
🔍 Tiny Elasticsearch integration into Nette Framework | |
🐙 Run Gruntz in isolated wine docker container | |
🔥 Vue examples on Nette Camp 2018 | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Former Planette (Nette Play) Portal | |
🚜 Parsedown (markdown) template parser for Nette \ Latte (@nette) | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] All the roads go through the Planette | |
❤️ Contributte Happy Place | |
🐳 Dockette #LetsEncrypt Automatic Robot Dockerfile | |
🐳 Dockette Nginx SSL / HSTS / HTTP2 Dockerfile | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Newrelic Tracy extension for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/newrelic. | |
🐺 Doctrine-like events for Nextras ORM | |
:godmode: Set of tools for development / debugging (@nette) | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/caching (@nette) | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/forms (@nette) | |
:octocat: All @nette commits in one place | |
🎁 Tech boosted project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), TailwindCSS (@tailwindcss), Alpine.js (@alpinejs) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
🧬 Yummy opinionated PHP generator for web masters. | |
👏 Quality assurance for your PHP projects | |
Latte template engine for Phalcon | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/mail (@nette) | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] 🚤 Middlewares support for Apitte stack | |
🎁 Starter project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
🎁 Console (CLI) project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), Symfony (@symfony) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
🔴 First class integration of Sentry to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
📦 Vite adapter for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🐳 Dockette Debian Dockerfiles | |
🐳 Generate UML from PHP via phUML | |
🎓 Akademie42 => Vue.js | |
🍟 Social plugins (facebook, twitter, google) for Nette Framework | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Protect your email addresses in Latte template engine. Use contributte/latte. | |
💰 GopayAPI SDK [Unofficial] | |
👩 Document generator for ApiRouter routes - awesome runtime documentation | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Serve data and files on-the-fly as response to Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/application. | |
💫 PSR #11 [Container Interface] to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🎁 API router project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x & @paveljanda. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] 🌻 PSR-7 for Nette\Presenters with Apitte stack | |
♻️ Nette-based Symfony events for application, presenter, form, latte, templates, security and many others. | |
🏀 ⚽ ⚾ 🎾 🎱 Latte-based replacer for simple texts. | |
🏞 Image library for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🥾 Bootloader for Framework X and Nette Framework (@nette). | |
🏭 🏭 🏭 Run Factorio in isolated docker container | |
💰 MobilniPlatby.cz for Nette Framework | |
📫 Simple PHP IMAP wrapper | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Nested Transaction for Nette Database (@nette). Use contributte/database. | |
⌛ Various benchmarks tests for PHP (frameworks, routers, dbals) and other. | |
🐾 Nette\Database data source for ublaboo/datagrid | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/security (@nette) | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] 🎨 Content-Negotiation support for Apitte stack | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] 👍 Apitte meta package with all features | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] ⁉️ Debugging tools for Apitte stack | |
🎁 Micro project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries for fast prototyping by @f3l1x. | |
✈️ Smart integration of Flysystem into Nette Framework | |
📞 JSON-RPC toolset build on top of psr-7 (guzzlehttp), league/json-guard, league/json-reference, league/flysystem and nette/di | |
💬 GoSMS.cz HTTP client for Nette | |
🏃♂️ Dag is opinionated expression data generator written in PHP to fake your API. | |
🔍 Tiny Elastica integration into Nette Framework (@nette) | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] 🔧 Enjoyable [PSR-7 based] API framework for Nette Framework. Heart of the apitte stack. | |
🐳 Dockette Alpine Linux Dockerfiles | |
🐳 Dockette NodeJS (Debian/Alpine) Dockerfiles | |
🐳 Uptime Kuma with extra juicy configuration and streaming SQLite. | |
:bowtie: Introduction to Python, Curses and PyGames | |
🚀 Example of ZEIT Now deployment | |
💀 [DEPRECATED] Klein.php with smarty template engine | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Ultra easy-to-use event system for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/event-dispatcher. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Parsedown parser for Latte template engine. Use contributte/latteparsedown-extra. | |
💵 Port of ThePay library | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Dockerfiles for Componette. Use contributte/dockerfiles. | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/http (@nette) | |
✨ Extra contrib to nette/database (@nette) | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] 💊 Symfony\Console bridge for Apitte stack | |
👨💻 Contributte Website & Docs | |
🔍 Doctrine KnpLabs/DoctrineBehaviors extension for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🙅♀️ Validator (symfony/validator) to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🔐 Multi module Authentication and Authorization for Nette Framework (@nette). | |
🐘 Little PHP for parsing instagram and serving it like REST JSON API. | |
💥 Best messenger support (symfony/messenger) to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🎉 Fast API skeleton based on Framework X and Nette (@nette) by @f3l1x. | |
🐳 Dockette Oracle Java / OpenJDK / Maven Dockerfiles | |
🐳 Dockette deployment tools (Deployer / Ansible) | |
🐳 Dockette dockerized Hugo - Static Generator | |
🐳 Dockette image with openssh | |
🐳 Dockerized Docker + Docker Compose | |
🦾Precompiled brotli binaries for Nginx | |
🐳 Dockerized version of Repman by @buddy | |
🐳 Dockerized proxychain forward proxy | |
♦️ Simple and intuitive OpenApi/Swagger compatible UI toolkit | |
🐘 Juicy(fx) PHP client • 🐘+ 🍊 = ❤ | |
👌 Export Gitlab project and importit in Trello board. Gitlab2Trello migration tool. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Serve and resize images on-the-fly for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/image-storage. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Universal text parser (Texy, Markdown, Parsedown, ...) for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/latte. | |
Nette Dependency Injection/Container for Phalcon | |
🐺 Query-objects for Nextras ORM | |
💫 PSR #6 [Caching Interface] to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
💶 Fio API integration for Nette Framework | |
📮 Czech Post API client | |
🔍 Doctrine beberlei/DoctrineExtensions extension for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
☑️ Enhanced code checker based on nette/code-checker. | |
⚡ Well-integrated MongoDB for Nette Framework | |
🎯 AOP (Aspect-oriented programming) for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🙅♀️🙅♂️🙅 Codesniffer & phpstan prepared configs for easy-to-use. Rewritten by contributte's authors. | |
🎁 Example of contributte/datagrid component. Project skeleton based on Nette Framework and Contributte libraries by @f3l1x & @paveljanda. | |
🎁 Vite project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @lubomirblazekcz. | |
🐳 Nette Tester Dockerfile | |
🐳 Dockette Haproxy Dockerfile | |
🐳 Dockette PostgreSQL image with tunning and preinstalled extensions (unaccent) | |
🐳 Expose local sites via secure tunnels using Expose app written in PHP. | |
🐳 Vagrant Docker Images. | |
💪 Special tuned version of @nette tester called nunjuck! | |
🐘 Klein.php with Latte Template Engine by Nette. | |
🎁 Nette\Tester project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Provide HTTP settings in CLI mode for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/http. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Simple blogger for Nette Framework (@nette). | |
💵 ThePay integration for Nette Framework | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] PoC of blogging platform for Nette Framework (@nette). | |
❗ Word based captcha (security) for Nette Framework \ Forms (@nette) | |
❗ Seznam captcha (security) for Nette Framework \ Forms | |
Criteria Expression for Nextras\ORM + Nextras\DBAL (@nextras) | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] View-Model + Model-View layer to Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/utils. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Enhanced PHPdoc annotations for Nette Framework (@nette). Use nettrine/annotations. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] ElasticSearch data source for contributte/datagrid. Use contributte/datagrid. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Convert Doctrine entity to array and conversely. Use @contributte. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] EET integration for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🔍 Doctrine oroinc/doctrine-extensions extension for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🖨 Contributte Bare Repository Template | |
🔒 OAuth2 server for Nette Framework | |
:neckbeard: Quality Assurance. Code standards for @contributte ecosystem. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Componette Design Prototype based on Nuxt.js and Alpine.js | |
🧪 Nette Tester with extra horse power. | |
:octocat: Contributte + Github = ❤️ | |
👩💻 Opinionated pre-configured kernel based on Nette (@nette). Suitable for all kind of apps. | |
🎁 Nette and Doctrine project skeleton. Using Doctrine (@nettrine) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
🔡 Pure OpenAPI implementation for your API applications. Great for documentation. | |
🎁 DDD skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), Doctrine (@nettrine) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
🐳 Dockette Varnish Dockerfile | |
🐳 Dockette My Pound Dockerfile | |
My custom PHP mailer script for Docker containers | |
🐳 Dockette latests images based on official Docker Hub images | |
🐳 MariaDB / MySQL / Postgres dumper | |
🐳 Dockette Hashicorp Tools (Nomad, Consul, Vault, Levant, Packer, Terraform, Waypoint) | |
🎁 Dockerized Adminerevo (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Mongo, Oracle). Database management in a single PHP file. | |
📗 Czech Dictionary for PostgreSQL | |
🚀 Strapi multiple upload plugin on steroids | |
💨 Tailwind CSS bundled and prefixed for decorate existing websites. | |
👀 Smartlook tracking plugin for Gridsome | |
💡Noblexity Java Framework by @stuchl4n3k and @f3l1x | |
🤖 UDP Chat Robot | |
[WIP] ⏫ Vercel PHP SDK | |
☎️ CodeCamp 2016 - Hybrid Application (Ionic / React Native) | |
🐳 Docker Meetup (25.10.2017) | |
🤘Example of Vercel (ZEIT Now) and PHP | |
Example of Uptime Kuma + Litestream + Flyio | |
💦 Digital Paint: Paintball 2.0 | |
🐘 Simple PHP library to collect page ranks | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Inputs, controls and extensions for Nette Forms (@nette). Use contributte/forms. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Simple string formatter for Latte. Use contributte/utils. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Github page generator written in Nette Framework (@nette). | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] One-class Gopay API library. Use contributte/gopay-inline. | |
👻 Hosting Apps | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Nette DI container servicer autoloader for Nette Framework (@contributte). Use contributte/di. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Simple specification/configuration model classes. Use contributte/utils. | |
:neckbeard: Webmaster Tools | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Microapi management for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/apitte. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Symfony Event Dispatcher and Nette Application (@nette) bridge. Use contributte/event-dispatcher-extra. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Symfony Event Dispatcher and Nette Security (@nette) bridge. Use contributte/event-dispatcher-extra. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Symfony Event Dispatcher and Nette Framework (@nette) bridges. Use contributte/event-dispatcher-extra. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Symfony\EventDispatcher for Apitte stack. Use contributte/apitte. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Request mappers, transformers and decorators for Apitte stack. Use contributte/apitte. | |
Simple PHP tool to quickly check for sane webhosting setup | |
💥 Well-integrated Doctrine2 ODM for Nette Framework | |
🌠 Contributte UI. Opinionated prime components for your Nette applications. | |
🎁 Nette and Doctrine project skeleton with all possible packages. Using Doctrine (@nettrine) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
🎁 GUI project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
🎁 Example of payment libraries (payu, thepay, gopay) based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
🕵🏻♀️ Example of first class integration of Sentry to Nette (@nette) by @f3l1x | |
▲ PHP services on serverless steroids • 🐘+ λ = 👨🏻💻 | |
📤📥 Example of integration of Symfony Messenger to Nette (@nette) by @f3l1x | |
🧪 PHPUnit with extra horse power. | |
⛺️ Opinionated set of phpstan extensions & rules for all fans. | |
🏀 Demo application of FrankenPHP (@dunglas) based on Nette Framework (@nette) by @f3l1x. | |
💯+💯 all PHP libraries in all big fat composer. Quality assurance & upgrade paths. | |
🐳 Dockette Apache Dockerfiles | |
🐳 Dockerized PlantUML | |
🐳 Dockette Perl Dockerfiles | |
🐳 Dockette CentOS Dockerfiles | |
🐳 Dockerized Drupal Stack | |
🐳 Dockette Electron Dockerfiles | |
Nginx examples and tests. Concepts as stale-while-revalidate (SWR), brotli and others. | |
❤️ Dockette Happy Place | |
👀 Smartlook tracking plugin for VuePress | |
👀 Smartlook tracking plugin for Gridsome | |
📄 Fixed php-gettext for PHP 5.6 and PHP 8.4 | |
🕹 Example of Karel game. | |
🚧Application written in Java to analyse your codebase. | |
HTML5 javascript geolocation | |
🕹 Example of famouse Millionaire game, based on JAXB. | |
🤯HTML Meta tags generator | |
🕹 Example of Pexeso game. | |
🕹Collection of small games written in Java. | |
🕹 Example of Mines game. | |
🕹 Ramake of Game of Life by Conway | |
2️⃣0️⃣4️⃣8️⃣ Remake of 2048 in JavaFX | |
Forked (phpoffice/phpexcel) | |
🚀heightgo is integration tool for height.app | |
👌 Bitbucket2Github migration tool. Transfer single or many repositories to Github with full history. | |
🎓 Collection of sources for CVUT | |
🐳 Dockette\Devstack presentation at NetteCamp 2017 (www.nettecamp.cz) | |
🚀 Contributte\API presentation at NetteCamp 2017 (www.nettecamp.cz) | |
🚀 VueJS component example | |
🎁 Hubbr Coworking - ZEIT deployment | |
🎄PeckaDesign - Pehapkari | |
🚀 Example of Vercel & Vercel PHP | |
✍️GraphQL-inspired micro alternative (WIP). | |
👊 Collection of Contributte/Nette advisories | |
🛠Alternative Nette-inspired micro-tiny framework. | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Former planette microsite | |
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Doctrine Gedmo Extension for Nette Framework (@nette). Use nettrine/extensions-gedmo. | |
🎁 All time best project skeleton for Nette Framework (@nette). Bootloader, DDD, TDD, Command Bus, Event Bus, Message Bus, API, Middlewares, ORM, DBAL. Using Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
📕📗 Paginator component for Nette framework (@nette) | |
🎉 Essential project substance for rapid prototyping on Nette (@nette) by @f3l1x. | |
🚌 Simple and adaptive command bus to Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🎁 Next generation frontend project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette), TailwindCSS (@tailwindcss), Alpine.js (@alpinejs) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
ƛ Swiss-army serverless lambdas tailored for @contributte needs. | |
Meta integration package of Doctrine (Netterine) for Nette Framework (@nette) | |
🦄 Extra functions to Doctrine ecosystem in Nette Framework (@nette) | |
👩💻 Convenient bootloader for Nette (@nette) applications. | |
🎁 API project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x. | |
📦 Contributte's data for webs. | |
🕹️ Minimal viable project with Doctrine to Nette (@nette) by @f3l1x | |
🏀 Demo application of Typesense (@typesense) based on Nette Framework (@nette) by @f3l1x. | |
‼️ Cloudflare Turnstile (security) for Nette Framework \ Forms | |
🐳 Caddy server with PHP 7.4 for local development | |
🐳 Dockette Alpined-based Mailx | |
🐳 Dockette Ansible + Ansiblelint | |
:octocat: dockette's github community health files | |
🐳 Dockette testing databases populated with dummy data. | |
🐳 Inspect HTTP requests | |
🐳 Trace HTTP requests | |
ReDoc standalone with Docker. | |
🐳 Dockette Flying Toolkit | |
🐳 Blackfire CLI in Docker image | |
Re-bump / re-tag Docker images. | |
Prebuilt SVG icon sets. For CDN. Experimental. | |
🚀 👨🏻💻 📦 Strapi v3 starter pack | |
🚀 👨🏻💻 📦 Nuxt starter pack | |
✍️ CKEditor5 bundled for strapi | |
:octocat: f00b4r's github community health files | |
🚀 👨🏻💻 📦 Strapi v4 starter pack | |
Forked (nette/tracy) | |
Forked (nette/tracy) | |
Forked (php-gettext/gettext) | |
Forked (piotrooo/wsdl-creator) | |
Fork of facebook/graph-sdk | |
Fork (kdyby/doctrine) | |
Fork (kdyby/translation) | |
Forked (symfony/messenger) | |
Forked (symfony/redis-messenger) | |
Forked (nette/reflection) | |
Forked (kong/mockbin) | |
Forked (contributte/console) | |
Forked (wavevision/props-control) | |
Forked (nette/utils) | |
Forked (pguardiario/phpuri) | |
:octocat: juicyfx's github community health files | |
⚽️ Vercel Integrations by @f3l1x | |
🚀 Example of Vue / Vuex / Vue CLI / Nuxt.js / VuePress | |
🔥 Vue application built by Brunch.js, Neutrino, Vue CLI | |
🐳 Docker Brief (03.09.2019) | |
🎓 Akademie42 => Vue.js | |
🥳 Vercel Czech Meetup | |
🎁 How to use Puppeteer to generate images for social networks deployed to Vercel | |
Icon as a service | |
Example of Ansible using Vagrant (Virtualbox/Docker) | |
Nette application deployed to Fly.io | |
Pure PHP example of FrankenPHP | |
Example of Windmill. MacGyver's toolkit for modern developers. | |
Example of command bus in PHP apps | |
Coderetreat 2024 | |
Ynfrastructure for Terraform | |
Ynfrastructure sandbox |